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A Holistic Common Sense Structure for
Liberation of All
without War Through the New Foundation for the New World Vision |
*A System Failure *Call to Brotherhood and Our True Human Potential *Joining the Parts to the Whole Catches the Resonant Thought of Planetization
"God grant, that not only the love of liberty, but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man, may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface, and say, This is my country." : Benjamin Franklin to David Hartley, 4 December 1789
Millions of people everywhere are quickly waking up to the fact that our system is horribly amiss – and rapidly getting worse. Even normally thick-headed “neo-conservative” luminaries in the US like William F. Buckley are rousing themelves from their arrogant somnambulant trance to gaze horrified into the abyss to which the Americans and their Israeli, Australian and British allies are dragging the rest of the world. The New Zealand government, meanwhile, is till trying to ingratiate itself with the US administration, blissfully oblivious to the fact that the world has moved into an unprecedented, and most perilous situation created by an out-of-control proto-fascist administration intent on abrogating every basic principle of what constitutes mature civilization as well as the survival instinct itself.
The race is on, then, to determine if we will wake up in time to save our precious world, and indeed our very lives and those of our children and their children for generations to come, or whether it will all go up in smoke thanks to our suicidal indifference and terminal paralysis.
In the process, we are also becoming aware of the fact that the perverted madmen who are dragging the world to war, starvation, disease and total collapse are not merely a small number of the so-called elite. This small “elite” are merely the drivers of an entire social and economic system they have at their disposal – hence the ensuing institutional “inability” to act in any positive, life-affirming way, even when its own self-preservation is at stake.
Are we born to be followers – or is this just some “hard wiring” the system seems to have installed in itself and all of us, as component parts, to insure its own self-destruction? It is axiomatic that anything based on a lie is unsustainable over time, and the current system now stands revealed as based on the lie that “power” for its own sake, is a legitimate (in fact, the primary) goal to pursue.
Who is there who still cannot see that we have allowed our political masters to sell out in a few short years, what has taken hundreds of years of achingly slow and tedious progress to achieve our imperfect democracy? Now our system where the little person has achieved at least a modicum of protection, where moral standards had to be considered as a legitimate part of domestic and international politics and affairs, and where human rights have been the underpinning to our pride in one’s nation, is going down. Who is there who still cannot—or will not see in his/her complicity in this sell out, the seeds of their own suicide?
The reptilian drive for naked power, for deceit in place of decency, and vicious, territorial rapaciousness is rapidly taking over, riding high in the saddle of human fear and desperation. War on terror? War IS terror.
However, before despair overtakes us, it is important to realize that there is good news as well. Alongside this macabre festival of total insanity, there is an emerging challenge to us all to awaken from the trance we’re in—this so-called “consensus reality”—that keeps us chained to our dysfunctions and neuroses, our careers and our “normality”. And millions of people around the world are indeed becoming a movement that is producing unprecedented awakenings, a movement that holds in its heart that we either become truly human in all that it entails, or else we waste this precious chance to transcend our weaknesses and thus be forever remembered by whoever is left to pick up the pieces, as the abject failures of all time.”
The False "Opposition" of the Political Parties
"Behind all of this orchestrated hand-wringing, the Democrats’ climb-down on closing the tax loophole for the country’s wealthiest is merely one more confirmation that this party—no less than the Republicans—represents and defends the interests not of working people, but those of the ruling elite. Just as the Democrats in Congress have proven unwilling to carry out any action to end the war in Iraq, so too they will do nothing to ameliorate the unprecedented inequality that pervades every facet of American society."
http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/oct2007/hedg-o10.shtml Bringing Down the House of Lies: The Final "Leg" of the Journey By Steve Bhaerman "The people of America are now at a crossroads that will determine whether the world continues hurtling down the highway to hell, or whether we change course in the direction of our true human potential, what Swami calls "humanifest destiny." I say the world because if the United States honors the intentions of our founders and accepts the evolutionary role of genuine self-governance, the entire world will cheer -- and breathe a sigh of relief. Under the guise of true moral authority, we will be able to isolate the sociopathogens in the world and deal with them as criminals instead of what we're doing now -- killing the people the criminal elements are holding hostage, and creating new converts for the criminals."
Article at:
"Humanity is on the verge of a precipice, and either we'll all just drop off the edge, or we'll evolve. I'm not sure what that new human being might look like, but it will clearly have to involve a completely new set of ideas and values, a new way of looking at the world that respects life and nature."
Article at: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14810.htm
Hugo Chavez
On his address to the UN, Sept. 20, 2006 (http://www.counterpunch.com/chavez09202006.html)
By Michael D. Morrissey Sept. 21, 2006
May be redistributed for non-profit purposes, provided copyright is acknowledged. Original place of publication is www.mdmorrissey.info/chavez.
Your words bring solace to a damaged nation not yours, but mine, a limping giant wounded in its soul by its very leaders, the men you call imperialists and devils, assassins, torturers. We know this too. But we need to hear it from you because we know you are our friend.
So do we.
We the people sinking into fascism like the Germans yesterday, having learned nothing at all from history, struck deaf, dumb and blind not by 9/11 but by television and the New York Times who sold out to the devil years ago.
Now you come, Hugo Chavez, saying what the Times will not print, but our hearts burn to say before the UN General Assembly.
How can we thank you but in small ways, like this in the hope that someday small voices will rise into a chorus as they have in your country, and in Bolivia and we one day will have real elections again and elect people like you who will tell the truth and do what we want them to do instead of what they want, which is to enslave us, kill us, impoverish and exploit us, and worst of all, do all of this without us knowing, thinking we are free, the "greatest country in the world."
Has there ever been a more pitiable state in all of history? "And they thought they were free!" will be our epitaph, signed by the Vice-President of Sneers, unless we rise, hermano, and smile your smile of brotherhood and justice. Te saludo, Hugo, amigo americano.
"A Tide That is
Running Toward Unity" Relevant links: www.mujca.com and http://www.mujca.com/meyerreview.htm Edited for wider distribution
Dear Thomas Meyer,
"A Civil War of Humanity" Introduction to the Political Discourse
Dr Lyndon Storey
We are
all born as humans. Our human identity is our primary identity. Yet we
repeatedly scorn our common humanity so that today we are engaged in a
civil war of humanity.
of Us Are Free - If One of Us is Chained" : Solomon Burke I Stand In
Solidarity With The Prisoners Of Guantanamo
A Country Not of
Borders "I Vow to Thee My Country"
I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above, Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love: The love that asks no question, the love that stands the test, That lays upon the altar the dearest and the best; The love that never falters, the love that pays the price, The love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.
And there's another country, I've heard of long ago, Most dear to them that love her, most great to them that know; We may not count her armies, we may not see her King; Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering; And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase, And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace
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