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A Letter from a Marine
"The Voyage of Liberty, Freedom and Returning
Constitutional Rights to all Who Live in this Country"
This is long.. but every word is from the heart.
I've spent the last 25 years of my life waiting for things to change for
the better. They have not. In fact, things have only become worse. You
all know exactly where I'm coming from.
Year by year, the American people are picked apart, lied to, robbed,
enslaved and have had their Constitutional rights systematically stolen.
I'm a U.S. Marine. I've been saying for over two decades that a
revolution is coming - and I didn't mean the one we have here. I mean a
bloody one. A revolution where my fellow Americans finally reach the
melting point, when former and currently active military join together
to take the country back by force. Where the common citizen is finally
asked, "Will you take up arms to regain your rights?".
Now I see differently. In the past months I have been given an entirely
different outlook on the future. I see my fellow citizens, people with
or without military backgrounds or affiliations to compel them to do so,
joining the ranks of this freedom revolution.
As a person with a military background, if I look at this logistically
there is no way to beat it. Armies need commanders, soldiers need
orders, troops need training and supplies. But more importantly, in a
time of conflict, those soldiers need a target to hit.
This revolution has to be the worst fear of anyone who would think to
oppose it. It has no 'leaders'. It has no tactical disadvantages to
exploit. You cant point a gun at an idea. You can’t put crosshairs on
principles. This revolution can continue gaining momentum and influence,
members and followers, attention and coverage without a 'voice' to do it
I'm reminded of the masked faces in 'V', standing together outside
parliament (ok, it's a movie, but it fits here). None of those people
spoke a single word. They had no faces. They had no speeches. They had
no 'disobedient nature' about them at all. Yet anyone who watched that
movie knew exactly what they were saying - and could almost feel the
influence of that group in the air.
Yes, that was fictional, but the 'feeling' provided by that scene is the
same thing I get when I work toward the same goals that all of you are
working toward - freedom and liberty the way it SHOULD be.
You cannot put a gag on the truth. You can try, and if those attempting
to spread that truth are few, you may succeed. But when you've got
millions already, and numbers growing by the tens of thousands on a
continual basis, it is no longer possible.
An author once wrote; "There is no such thing as art, because art is
mankind's attempt at holding a mirror up to either nature or imagination
- and there isn't a mirror big enough to do that". In that same context
- there is no 'gag' big enough.
The mirror, in our case, is the shroud of doubt that the powers that be,
mainstream media and naysayers would try to cover us with.
It is the veil of propaganda and disregard that is draped across the
televisions, newspapers, magazines and airwaves of the world, used to
keep the population from hearing the message.
But the message is quickly becoming to vast, too loud, too obvious and
too thought provoking for these would-be oppressors to contain any
longer. The power of the truth, the power of right, and the power of
true patriotism are far greater than any amount of money, bandwidth,
propaganda or wool pulled over the eyes of those who could see.
This revolution has gone from being considered a 'side show of
weirdoes', to an 'internet following', to a 'group of citizens', to a
'nationwide freedom revolution' in a shorter time than I think even
those who stand in opposition to it ever dreamed. It has demonstrated
the will, ambition, determination, spirit, and unwavering loyalty that
many politicians and corporations could only dream of obtaining from
those who would 'follow' them.
Normally, when a faceless, headless, runaway stampede of ever-expanding
revenues and participants takes place - it is usually something the
government came up with that is about to cost the taxpayers a lot of
money. Those that are trying to gain access to the whip handles which
could control us all have never seen anything like this before, and they
are unsure of how to stop it.
They use their own 'tried and true' methods, such as media blackouts and
(potentially) election fraud - but now there are too many eyes and ears
watching them.. waiting for the slightest hint of impropriety.. ready to
stand right next to the perpetrators and yell, 'Caught Ya!' when they
attempt the subversive.
These warmongering, greedy, power hungry maniacs have never had to deal
with the scrutiny that is being placed on their every move in such a
public arena. They are unprepared, and they are scared. So scared that
they have already slipped up during this election year. They have
managed to 'cover their rears' with the mainstream thus far..
'accident', 'human error', 'oops'. But they don’t have any other methods
than those they already use - so they will be forced to use them again,
and they will.
When they do - this revolution will be right there to catch them. The
'oops' defense can only work so many times before it is no longer
believed by even those who currently 'believe whatever MSM tells them'.
Every time they slip up, the revolution gains more momentum, increases
its numbers, and thereby increases it's ability to cover these
subversive acts.
Eventually we will reach the tipping point.. and I think that will be
sooner than later. Already this movement has grown by leaps and bounds.
When it first started new patriots joined every month.. then every
week.. then every day.. and as those numbers grew, so did the coverage
from within, so that this freedom revolution grows every hour,
potentially every minute. Not much longer and it will be growing at
'every second' rates.
This snowball cannot be stopped. I'm sure there are think tanks out
there right now trying to devise a way to thwart our efforts - and every
time they emerge from their meetings with new plans to present to their
'masters', they are met with the phrase "Go back and try again, it's
even bigger than before".
That is the power of freedom. That is the natural outcome when real
liberty is at stake. It takes a while to get started, but once it does
it is that freight train that keeps being brought up - you cant stop it.
The only thing that can stop that train is the train itself. It either
puts on the brakes, shuts off the fuel, or steers itself into a wall.
THIS train has no one manning the brake lever, because it has no brakes.
THIS train has no one watching the fuel gauge, because it runs on
principal - not energy.
THIS train has no one steering it, because there is only one path to
freedom - and that doesn't need a track to run on.
To my fellow revolutionary warriors - I salute you, and look forward to
the great and prosperous future we are about to embark on. I look
forward to taking the ultimate voyage with you all - the voyage of
liberty, freedom and returning Constitutional rights to all who live in
this country!
“There are three things which cannot be hidden for long - the sun, the
moon and the truth” -- Confucius
See Also: