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A Holistic Common Sense Structure for
Liberation of All
without War Through the New Foundation for the New World Vision |
For a Nation and a World that Does not Re-Evaluate
War: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones" – Albert Einstein
The Nation (and the world) would best be served if the Pentagon was transformed into a model shelter and education facility with full medical treatment available for the Nation's growing homeless instead of an armed and dangerous brainwashing institution:
No Separation of "Church" and the Military * The Rabid Crusaders * Offering Up the Fifth Fleet for War *Christian Evangelicals Persecuting U.S. Soldiers
The Pentagon: A Bank for Thieves, Liars
and War Criminals The Pentagon's $1 Trillion Problem:
The Defense Department has spent billions to fix its antiquated
financial systems. So why does the Pentagon still have no idea where its
money goes?
Dov Zakheim
PENTAGORGON – The Thing Behind the Curtain
When we trace back all armed conflicts in the world, we find they emanate from the Pentagon. If we know where all the evil exists, where the Lord of Darkness itself has its home, then why let the structure exist?
For a thing that sucks up the life blood of its citizens and their country, generation to generation to generation, it sure is out of place (like alien) in a land whose Founding Documents explicitly expressed the concern of the evil of "standing armies" on a foundation of non-interventionism (alliances for war and meddling in other countries was not part of its principles).
$120 Billion Budget Boost for Pentagon
The Pentagon Cannot Account for $2.3 TRILLION
In fairness, he said they couldn't track it, which sounds to me like "We started with this pile of cash, and now we have this pile of stuff, and we don't really know how much cash was spent on how much stuff," but not "Um. We lost $2.3 trillion. No clue where it went." Because corruption can only go so far -- there are logistical limits to bribe-fuelled debauchery.
Institutionalized Gun Running and War Lunacy:
Militarism = Destructive Capitalism and Tyranny
Armies are Simply Instruments for the "Lousy Bankers": Major General Smedley Butler
“War is a Racket” is a work by the former U.S. Marine Major General Smedley Butler, who, in 1935 discusses how business interests drive warfare and profits from mass human suffering.
And the Same Lousy Bankers are the Ones Who Like to Create the Reality for the World as Such, with "Intelligence" Agencies as their Plaything:
"The secret history of the world was his pastime. His great pleasure was to contrast the hidden motive, with the public pretext, of transactions." ("Coningsby" pp. 218-219)
Weapons Companies and Supporters Own the News The Lock Up of Government, Military and the Media Follows:
With Media Becoming Pure Deception for Controlling and Shaping Public Opinion, (i.e. for Those who are Easily Duped): (1) There is never any mention of oil in these accounts. Both the media and most members of Congress are pretending that the US government’s preoccupation with Iraq has nothing to do with fossil energy reserves; but most people in the US know that were it not for oil, the US government would have little interest in the region or its people. We do not believe that continuing the US addiction to oil (five percent of the world’s population consuming 25% of its oil) is a valid reason to bomb and invade other nations and engage in wars of aggression. (2) Media and Congressional accounts of the war almost always suggest that the war in Iraq – however “flawed” – is part of something called the Global War on Terrorism. But there can be no such thing as a war on a tactic, so we have to ask ourselves if this is not just another one-size-fits-all pretext for future military adventures. Iraq is not now nor has it ever been a threat to the security of people in the United States. http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0701/S00126.htm The Deceptive Realities Produce War Nuts: "There will be no
peace. At any given moment for the rest of our lifetimes, there will be
multiple conflicts in mutating forms around the globe. Violent conflict
will dominate the headlines, but cultural and economic struggles will be
steadier and ultimately more decisive. The de facto role of the US armed
forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our
cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing." Which Turn Intelligent Military Men into Peace Men:
US Air
Force General Lee Butler Once heavily involved in the work and an avid supporter of “Nuclear Deterrence”, Retired US Air Force General Lee Butler unravels “In Beyond the Madness,” the psychosis of “mutually assured destruction (MAD). He concludes in an address at the National Press Club in February 1998 that we must end the nuclear era through the moral imperative of the action: "It is time to reassert the primacy of individual conscience, the voice of reason, and the rightful interests of humanity"
The Purpose of the Pentagon is for Simply War-Making and Creating
Make Sense? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article11924.htm Jackson Brown's "Lives in the Balance"
http://bestcyrano.org/IMG/FACE_WAR/albumfow/index.htm Torture Deceit: What "Is" Ishttp://www.crisispapers.org/essays/deceit.htm
And We Want it to Spread:
justify torture and abuse in the "global war on terrorism" (gwot) the
government narrowly defined torture and argued that the prohibition
against cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment does not apply outside the
United States.
How to Get a War,
Reichmarshall Hermann Goering Style. Remember,
he said
people don't choose to go to war, but they can be dragged along into it through
lies and deceit. The Man Who Sold the
And Institutionalizing them Through Academia and Science
The False Messiah
There is a reason why Carl Rove is the most important person in the administration. He is the public relations expert in charge of crafting the images. So you can drive through the domestic agendas, carry out the international policies by frightening people and creating the impression that a powerful leader is going to save you from imminent destruction. The Times virtually says it because it's very hard to keep hidden. It is second nature.
By Chris Floyd
Lust for War
Terror Ops Underway
in Iran : http://www.payvand.com/news/06/jun/1137.html
How the Pentagon Planted a False Story on Iran http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/JA17Ak03.html
Continual Search for Cannon Fodder – Get ‘em Young
Increasingly Turning to Data Mining:
Wake Up Soldier, Your Soul is Being Destroyed
But the True American really says:
"There is a deeper
truth expressed in the unity of the United States. Implicate in the
union of our country is the union of all people. All people are
essentially one. The world is interconnected not only on the material
level of economics, trade, communication, and transportation, but
interconnected through human consciousness, through the human heart,
through the heart of the world, through the simply expressed impulse and
yearning to be and to breathe free” – Dennis Kucinich, American
Presidential Contender, 2004 http://www.newworldpeace.com/human1.html
Like the 17 founding families of Peaceful Tomorrows, it is time to transcend the belligerent imperialism of Old Guard America that is prepared to ravage the whole of earth in order to foster, for its spoilt elite, a lifestyle of careless opulence. The promise of globalisation is a shared destiny of nations working together to minimise conflict and poverty, restore ecosystems, reduce emissions, ban arms trafficking and thrash out an evolving agenda of ethics and fairness to which all can be a party, especially the strong. Its deeper meaning is a belated awareness that we are all connected - and connected in a deeper way than the choice of being with America or against America, of being a target market, or a target.
Penta (Pent Up) Fascism
So now the country
has moved from the Cold War Scam to the Terrorism War Scam (and more,
John Pilger: 'War by
Documents suggest
Pentagon lied about
Cheney's role in awarding no-bid contract to Halliburton:
Is Permanent Warfare Right for the World and Into the Future?
.... and It's Infectious
"Partners" on CIA Flights: Amnesty :
Bad Men Build Jails: Top
Secret: Detention Centers are Really Brain Washing-Torture
Facilities -- but when there aren't enough prospects in the pool
whose mental health we have wrecked, we'll use the mentally vulnerable
or disturbed outside the pool to program the nation's "fear" thermometer and
our orchestrated global war on the mass of Humanity
Question to your Humanity: What sort of depravity tortures a
mentally sick person, and then sets the nation's panic alarm bells off
on the "information" obtained from not only a mentally sick
person but one who is under torture? http://thinkprogress.org/2006/06/20/torture-mentally-ill-prisoner
The Nazi Doctors of a Sadistic Regime
From September 11 to Gitmo Bodies -- How
to "Empty Out" Evidence
Yemen: Gitmo detainee's body emptied prior
to repatriation: Should Tax Dollars Continue to Criminally Destroy Whole Countries? Forty eight blood soaked months later, what exactly has been accomplished? Draft Dodger in Chief, landed on aircraft carrier USS Lincoln & declared: 'mission accomplished' http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=ARB20070501&articleId=5535 "Bush Has Destroyed Iraq and America" by Paul Craig Roberts Captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels are frustrated with the political cowardice of their general officers and are leaving the service in droves. The Army is trying to improve retention by offering $20,000 cash payments to the officers another stupid Bush administration policy as any officer who sells his soul is demoralized. http://www.rense.com/general76/busam.htm Should the World's Most Dangerous Weapons be in the Hands of the Most Dangerous Extremists?
The Crusaders: "The Christian Taliban is Running the Department of Defense" By Robert Koehler
Can you imagine a contingent of religious
zealots, with their contempt for secular values (and such manifestations
of secular order as the U.S. Constitution) - and with their zest for
holy war - in control of the most potent fighting force and weaponry in
human history? Is this possible?
Linking Private
War Contractor Profits with Warmaking
When Dorothy first arrives in Oz, her house falls on and kills the Wicked Witch of the East. After Dorothy has some conversation with the Munchkins and the good Witch of the North, they noticed that "the feet of the dead Witch had disappeared entirely and nothing was left but the [ruby red] shoes." The Witch of the North explains that "She was so old that she dried up quickly in the sun."
In his Farewell Address in 17 January 1961, General Dwight D. Eisenhower alerted citizens of the growing menace of the Military-Industrial complex and instead, urged and encouraged citizens to choose the better track for Humanity and the world:
"We pray that peoples of all faiths, all races, all nations, may have their great human needs satisfied; that those now denied opportunity shall come to enjoy it to the full; that all who yearn for freedom may experience its spiritual blessings; that those who have freedom will understand, also, its heavy responsibilities; that all who are insensitive to the needs of others will learn charity; that the scourges of poverty, disease and ignorance will be made to disappear from the Earth, and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love."
Planetization is that other Global House. Choose it.
Brian Bogart -- "The Pentagon is Killing Us"
Anthrax: Mad Pentagon Turns on Its Own People
"War would end if the dead could return" – Stanley Baldwin
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