Tragedy of Palestine

(What Exactly is America Allied With?
Unbeknownst to Americans
— See
for Yourself)
“At the illegal checkpoints, the continued terrorism of the IDF
soldiers, the never ending lies of the media, the thefts of food and
crops, the destruction of all kinds of property, of water, the sowing of
water deposits with radioactive garbage from Dimona, the inhuman
darkness and callousness of the whole Israeli society, creating a
paralyzed and sick generation with deep tensions and the urge for
revenge inside, and forcing the nearby Arab countries to take part in
this genocide by way of economic threats against their populations, it
all combined is far, far more criminal than anything the Nazi regime
ever did. Truly, the former victims and their accomplices have not only
surpassed their former tormentors in moral abjectness, they have even
made those crimes and worse into a way of life, and abject cruelty into
the national sport of their so-called ‘Jewish nation.’"
Kawther |
They Shoot Babies, Don't They?

Do Not Support Companies who Support This
Here are Some of Them: Avoid when Possible:
Motorola * Estee Lauder *
L'Oreal/Body Shop * Intel McDonald's * Coca Cola *
Disney * Home Depot
* IBM * Revlon * Starbucks * The Limited * News
Corporation * Sara Lee
The Following (with Captions) Sent in by
Ibrahim Turner
for the Purpose for the World, Particularly the
American People, to Know the Truth
of the Media Covered Lies

"Making sure they
get to school"

"Helping ladies cross the street"

"Providing childcare"

"Allowing them a place of rest (permanently)"

"Access to Healthcare"

"Construction projects (demolition)"

American and British pacifist resisters"
Rachel Corrie
and Briton Tom

"And if you are not
satisfied, now, with the truth the following pictures are war crimes
defined by the UN, The Hague and the Geneva Convention."
Their Kill of Human Beings is a Trophy Picture (Violation)

Human shields (violation)

Live burial torture (violation)

And as a last resort,
execution (violation)

"These IDF soldiers have faces... I can clearly see them...Cant you? Why
are they not being prosecuted? Because it is systematic process that is
driven by the government designed to force the people of Palestine into
exile so Israel can claim all the land and resources.
"This is where my
American tax dollars are going, do you know where your tax dollars are
at? TAKE THE TIME TO FIND THE TRUTH. So many lives depend on it. I, like
so many Americans, am Caucasian, non-Arab, and religious. I can no
longer sit back with good conscience and do nothing while my government
is supporting the types of terrorist actions that we have condemned
Muslim Fundamentalist for. Call your Congressman and Senator, send an
email to the White House and demand that our government negotiate FAIRLY
with both sides and bring a fair and just solution to Palestine and
May we add here, stop the barbaric
violence of the Israeli Military and get in line with everyone else in a
civilized world. This is no military but cowards with weapons, and
this wicked, murderous army should be disbanded and dismantled because
it is an assault on the American Founding, and an enemy to the American
Israel and White Phosphorous More Vile Than Nuclear Weapons
nation that has violated “every norm of civilized
behavior and international law” since its founding in
1948 is held virtually blameless by the U.S. corporate
media –
Israel sycophants of the lowest order. “Now members
of the Israeli Defense Force themselves are coming
forward to admit that they committed war crimes” – but
the U.S. press is censoring their confessions! Even when
Israeli soldiers openly testify to committing “murder”
in Gaza, as reported by the Israeli press, the U.S.
corporate media “keeps the people of this country
ignorant” of the crimes against humanity bankrolled by
American taxpayers. |
"Are You Ready to Face the Facts About Israel?"
Paul Craig Roberts
Israel is an
Ideological Enemy of America, Yet There is a Sick Association
with It at the Highest Levels of the American Government
Obama Gives Israel Money While US Dies
Israel's Horrific New Weapons
Targeting Civilians;
No Words Left
U.S. Supplies Israel's Weapons
What a Conscienceless
American Presidency Looks Like |
What Horrific Israeli
Weapons were Used to Kill This Baby? |
You A Coward Like Me?"
has identified his daughters repeatedly with Israeli children,
while never having uttered a word about the thousands –
thousands – of Palestinian and Lebanese children killed and
permanently maimed by Israeli attacks just since 2006. This
allegedly post-racial president appears fully invested in the
racist worldview that considers Arab lives to be worth less than
those of Israelis and in which Arabs are always 'terrorists.'"
More of What They're Allowed to Do |
Israeli governments are the same: Ariel Sharon carried out a
massacre in Palestine, and [Ehud] Barak aided the war in Gaza in
that there is no difference between the right and the left in
Israel," he explained. "This enemy does not want peace." |
Government Captured by a Tribe of Pathological Killers
Insincere in Any Attempts of Good Will
The Only [Sodom] "Army" that Goes After
Torturing, Kidnapping, Imprisoning,
Killing, Shooting, Burning, Bulldozing Over—Still
Think Their God's Chosen Ones?
The Atrocities You are Never Told About
They Also Use their Bodies for Target Practice
— That O.k.?
Why America Should Never Be Without Her Second Amendment Guns
— And Fight The Treasonous Within Her Governing Rule
Babies are Babies
— The Human Path is to Care About All Babies
Jerusalem Under Israel /
The Suicide Bombing Myth
/ The Evil Twin

More in Understanding "Zionism," "Israel," "Neocon"
as the Source of all Hell in the World and the Breakdown of the
American Nation

The Original Ethnic Cleansing of
the Palestinians by
Rothschild Created Fake Israel
Al Nakba Redux
The Survivors of the Violently Displaced
Palestinians Remember
1948 -- The Stealing of Palestine by the Israelis
When Should it Stop?
7 More Countries
No, There's More
for 2023
Sodom Army
on the March

Sign When They are Satanists
Clearly, They Are

"Gaza is essentially a walled kindergarten -- and it's
being bombed to dust.
"Half of Gaza's population are children.
"Israel's military has already dropped over 6,000 bombs,
hitting schools, homes, and evacuation routes.
It's kids running from the missiles and being crushed
under the rubble. If bombs don't kill them… food and
water are running out, and hospitals will soon have no
electricity" -- 10/21/23 |
The Satanic State of Israel's War on Children
Woman's Heart is "Warmed" by a Shell Shocked Toddler:
A Normal Human
"In Gaza, children are walking around with their names
written on their bodies so, in case they are killed by
an airstrike, their corpses can be identified by their
loved ones. When we heard this story, our hearts broke -
and we are sure yours will too.
"Over 4,300 kids in Gaza have already been killed -
that's almost
6 children every hour" -- 11/12/23 |
Children's Bones, Including Toddlers, are
Snapped and Broken by the IDF
At: 20:00

Atrocities Abound
— Max Igan
The Leveling of Khan Yunis (South Gaza)
The Satanic State of Israel and Their
Destruction of the Holy Land

Presenting a Cross Roads for Humanity